Fab Finds: Fresno Fair 2016
The Fresno Fair may be over for you, but I'm still so proud of what I entered this year into the photography exhibit, so I'm gonna take you back with me! Sound like a plan!? Cool!
I was fortunate enough to receive four honorable mentions, one second place and the Children's Choice Award. Take a look!
|| Honorable Mention Awards ||
|| Second Place ||
|| Children's Choice Award ||
And here are the rest of the photos that I entered and equally love!!
I still find it funny that out of all of my awards (Children's Choice aside) the cheesecake is the only photo that actually PLACED!! Hey, just goes to show that food really does speak to people! I think next year I'm going to actually enter the REAL cheesecake into the fair! I think the judges would enjoy tasting it rather than looking at it! 😉
After I checked out my photos, I had to go see my brother's jewelry that he entered. This year he took second place and I couldn't be more proud of him! Take a look!
Next up, it was officially time to get my fair food grub on!
Hope you were able to make it out to the fair this year! I only got out there once, but thankfully the one time I did, it was a great time!! Thank you to everyone who went to see my photos and to all of you who voted! It truly means the world!! Until next year!