
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fabulously Delicious: Kimberly's Harvest Mix

Fabulously Delicious: Kimberly's Harvest Mix

Every Fall I make this magical harvest mix that all my friends and co-workers go crazy over and this year is no different! Due to my surgery, I had to make it a little later, but hey better late than never, right!?


  • 2 Boxes - Family Size Cheez-It Crackers 
  • 2 Jars - Salted Peanuts
  • 2 Bags - Pretzel Squares
  • 4 bags - Reese's Pieces 
  • 2 Boxes Crunch 'n Munch or Caramel Corn
  • 2 Boxes - Honey Nut Cheerios
  • 2 Boxes - Cocoa Puffs
  • Candy Corn*
  • Mellowcreme Pumpkins*
  • 4 Cannisters - Champion Raisins

*I ended up buying 4 bags of the Autumn mix which had both candy corn and mellowcreme pumpkins

This makes enough to fill four 2.5 gallon ziplock bags. If you want less, just half the recipe!

(Recipe adapted by Munchkin Munchies)


Mix all the ingredients together. I recommend starting with the cereals, moving on to the pretzels, then to the Crunch 'n Munch and peanuts.  After that, mix in all the candy and make sure to mix real well!  The next item I mix in are the raisins and VERY last are the Cheez-It crackers because those are easily breakable. Feel free to add in anything else you'd like, it's honestly all up to you!

Fun Tip: I like to put the mix in cute little mason jars and hand them out as gifts! I take them to work and give them to my co-workers, give them to friends, you name it! Everyone goes CRAZY for this stuff!! You gotta make it!

Fabulously Obsessing Over...

Fabulously Obsessing Over...

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween!!

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