
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: THIS IS US

Fab Finds: THIS IS US

Did you catch the gut-wrenching mid-season finale of NBC's This Is Us!?! Omg. I can't stop thinking about it!! I'm honestly obsessed with this show! I haven't had genuine feelings for a show in a very long time, and I'm so happy there is another show on TV that is not only relatable, but just feels right. I was a big Brothers and Sisters and Parenthood fan and this show is right up there with those two. I haven't watched an episode yet where it hasn't tugged at my heart, made me shed a tear or just made me look at my life in a different perspective! I think there's something to say about a show that can do that...

I found this playlist on Spotify and I have been listening to it NON-STOP!!! You must give it a listen! You'll instantly be transported back into each episode and all those emotions you felt while watching will instantly come back. I'm in love.

Fab Finds: Tried and True Holiday Party Recipes

Kim's Fab Holiday Shoe & Accessory Guide

Kim's Fab Holiday Shoe & Accessory Guide

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