
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Music Mondays

Fab Finds: Music Mondays

Hey guys!! How was your weekend?! Mine was perfect! Went to the Clovis Rodeo on Friday night with some friends and ran into a lot of people I hadn't seen in forever, so it was really fun to catch up!

Saturday was a BEAUTIFUL day, so Randy and I decided to go for a nice long walk to start off our day, that way we wouldn't feel guilty for relaxing and more than likely binging Netflix or Hulu later on in the day. #CommunityBingeSesh Oh! And later that evening, we hung out with some friends and they randomly put on American Sniper, which I've been wanting to see, but holy cow, such an intense movie!  I immediately started googling articles about Chris Kyle after the movie and couldn't stop reading about it.  Such a crazy story and so sad to know it was all true. What an American Hero.  

Sunday, I started my day off by taking the pups on a nice little morning stroll.  There was still a little chill in the air, so it was nice to get out before the heat hit! Later on, I made a little Target, Home Goods and Ulta run to stock up on goods and get some essentials! #trufflesauce (check out my Instagram for more Fab Finds!)

Finally, the return of Game of Thrones!! Did you watch!? I thought the premiere was pretty darn good! I won't say much in case you haven't seen it yet, but I think this is going to be a great season! I'm also so happy Silicon Valley is back too, that show is hilarious and so well written!! If you're not watching, you need to be! So good. #RIGBY

On another note, literally, I've decided that every Monday, I'm going to give you guys a list of the top ten songs that have been buzzing around in my head recently!  I just CAN'T seem to get them out of my head, so I might as well share them with you! Here's this week's list that I'll be listening to to get me pumped up for a good week! (Also doubles as a great gym mix!)

Happy Monday!!

Fab Finds: Aloha

Fab Finds: HelloFresh

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