BarkBox: Member Since September 2013
“For humans, BarkBox is a delivery of 4 to 6 natural treats and super fun toys curated around a surprise theme each month. For dogs, BarkBox is like the joy of a million belly scratches.”
This is evidence right here, right now, that not ALL of my box or monthly subscriptions are for me! I like to get my little puppies in on the action too! I am a HUGE dog lover, and a mother of two rescue dogs, Chiweenies to be exact! Their names are Bixby and Khaleesi (yes, she was named after the "Mother of Dragons" from Game of Thrones!)
Bixby and Khaleesi
They are brother and sister, legitimately litter-mates, so I KNOW they share a special bond with each other. Ironically though, I didn't adopt them together. I adopted Bixby when he was four months old from an amazing organization here in Fresno called "Animal Compassion Team" or A.C.T. for short. There are so many wonderful volunteers there, and fortunately for me, one of them happened to be my dear friend Liz and hair stylist of 14 years! She had been helping me through the years find the perfect puppy and lucky for me, they helped me welcome my first little furbaby Bixby (his original name was Hercules the Great, lol!). I can't tell you how quickly I fell in love with him. He was perfect. Not only was he just the cutest thing I had ever seen, but he was full of energy and I just knew we'd be best friends! After a whopping 15 mins of meeting each other, I fell in love, signed the papers and headed to Pets Mart to spoil the newest member of my family!
The day I adopted Bixby - August 18, 2013
Fast forward eight months, and I get a call from Liz telling me Bixby's sister, ACTUAL sister had been returned to the shelter...ummm say what!? Apparently the mother who had adopted her had some issues and the home wasn't stable enough for Khaleesi (named Athena at the time). I knew this had to have been a sign because I wanted another dog for Bix to play with eventually, so why not just speed the process up a bit!? Don't get me wrong, he most certainly knows how to entertain himself, but I would get sad seeing him by himself, so I knew what I had to do. After no time at all, I took Bix down to A.C.T. to be reunited with his sister. Once they brought Khaleesi in the room, I just knew it was meant to be. I felt like the two of them just knew they were related somehow, someway. I have to admit though, Khaleesi, or Kiki for short, was extremely skittish and very shy when we met her, but I had to remember she came from a rough home. This was the moment I realized I was this little angel's second chance at a loving home. After the pups played for a bit, I signed the papers once more, and brought home the second addition to my family!
Kiki Adoption Day - April 26, 2014
I honestly can't imagine my life without these two babies. They continuously bring joy into my life each day and I am so very grateful. I just love coming home to them every day and seeing how excited they are to see me, errrr or for momma to feed them! (let's be serious haha) No matter what kind of mood you're in, they make it better. If you're looking for a dog, please please please adopt! Not only does it save their life, but it was change your life forever. I mean, LOOK AT THOSE FACES!!
BarkBox Preview:
Here's a look inside this month's BarkBox! The pups LOVED their new toys and treats!! They go NUTS every time a new BarkBox rolls around!!

Bixby & Khaleesi's Paw of Approval!

P.S. Yesterday was two years since I adopted Kiki, time sure flies!