
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Aloha Greens Collection

Remember this? Well, I'm still going strong with the Aloha Greens Collection!  I just got my replenishment delivery this week and I thought I'd let you in on exactly how I'm using these bad boys!

Daily Good Greens: Berry Blend

What's Inside? 

1.5 Fruits & Veggies - 45 Calories - 225% Daily Value Vitamin D - 1g Protein

How I Use It: 

Blend away! I usually make this for breakfast because it's packed with protein and a ton of useful nutrients that help keep me fueled for the day! 

*Adding frozen fruit to your smoothies really makes them a lot smoother and creamier than adding ice.  Ice tends to water down my smoothies, but sometimes you gotta do whatcha gotta do! 

Daily Good Greens: Original Blend

What's Inside?

1.5 Fruits & Veggies - 35 Calories - 200% Daily Value Vitamin D - 2g Protein

How I Use It:

I also make this for breakfast as well! Some people are scared of the whole "kale in a smoothie" fad, but adding fruit to it really sweetens it up and takes the bitterness away! You don't necessarily need to buy the pre-mixed frozen ingredients if you don't want to, you can easily throw some spinach, and a banana, or kale and a banana, get creative! Nobody's judging! 

Daily Good Greens: Chocolate Blend

What's Inside?

1.5 Fruits & Veggies - 50 Calories - 534% Daily Value Vitamin D - 2g Protein

How I Use It:

Another breakfast favorite of mine, but really this could be a tasty dessert as well! If you're feeling crazy, throw a little whipped cream on top and you've got yourself a WAY healthier frappuccino! I was pleasantly surprised the first time I made this one, it was so yummy that I couldn't drink it fast enough!

Not only are these products super healthy and great for you, but the neat thing is they are extremely versatile as well!  Besides adding them into your morning smoothies, you can also cook, bake and snack with them as well! Give it try!

I've been eyeing the Macadamia Coconut Chocolate recently and am extremely intrigued by the Coconut Water Powder, so we shall see what shows up next time! 

P.S. If you're interested in earning a free month of Aloha Protein, click here!

Fab Finds: JustFab

Fab Finds: JustFab

Fab Finds: Try The World - Portual

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