
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Entertainment Weekly Radio

Fab Finds: Entertainment Weekly Radio

Guys, I'm obsessed.  I'm sure you've heard of the magazine "Entertainment Weekly" right?  Well as of three years ago, Sirius XM dedicated an entire channel to everything pop culture!! EW Radio is everything for my morning and afternoon drives.  If you have Sirius XM, you NEED to check this channel out! (Channel 105) If you wanna be in the know about all your favorite TV shows, movies, books, and music, then this is for you!  

These are the two shows I'm OBSESSED with and listen to daily...really, I don't miss a day.  I listen to them OnDemand while getting ready too! It's absolutely nuts.

EW Morning Live: 

Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 10:00 am ET - Entertainment Weekly's Dalton Ross and Jessica Shaw host a live weekday morning show discussing all things pop culture: movies, TV, music & more. Hosts Dalton and Jessica, share their perspectives on what is best (and worst) in daily entertainment options, talk to some of today's biggest stars, and hear from listeners about their latest entertainment obsessions. 

These two have the BEST chemistry!! They are so funny and aren't afraid of saying exactly how they feel, which I genuinely appreciate!  It's the best though when producer Jen Silverman chimes in, their conversations make me laugh so hard!!  This show is recorded in New York, so for us West Coasters, we don't get the advantage of playing their "Pop-Culture Quizzes" where they give away awesome EW prize packs. (Which I'm determined to get!)  However, if you wake up early enough (5am), which I sometimes do for the gym, and listen to them OnDemand, you may be able to call in or tweet them live! That'll be my goal at some point this year!  Do yourself a favor, tune in and start your morning off on the right tune!  Your day will be much happier having heard these two!  

Dalton Ross & Jessica Shaw

L.A. Daily:

Monday to Friday, 7 - 9 pm ET - Each day Julia Cunningham and Kyle Anderson are live from the West Coast diving deep into the details of pop culture. They are talking about all of the shows and movies that you love, to the shows they love to watch so you don't have to. Every weekday your pop culture best friends will bring you everything happening in entertainment, from the West Coast.

This show is a little newer, but still equally as fantastic!  Both Julia and Kyle are hilarious in the most unexpected ways! For instance, you'd think Kyle would watch shows such as The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones, but he does not!  There's this super funny segment that they do every Monday during Game of Thrones season where Julia quizzes Kyle on the show, it's called "You Know Nothing...Kyle Anderson."  Oh man, it's so good!  The way Julia describes the show in these questions has me rolling on the floor laughing and yet, somehow Kyle manages to do PRETTY darn well on these quizzes! Amazing.  These two also work for music channels on Sirius XM as well! Kyle does weekend segments for AltNation (Channel 36) and Julia is the morning DJ for SiriusXMU (Channel 35).  It's kind of cool because those two channels happen to be two of my favorite music channels! #winning  

Check out L.A. Daily for some good evening laughs while driving home from work or making dinner, guaranteed a good time!

Kyle Anderson & Julia Cunningham

Monday-Friday, this is what I'm listening to, and I love it!  It actually takes my mind off MY life for a hot minute and lets me just breeeeeeathe.  Very relaxing, you should try it! #EWmindyoga

@EWlive - Channel 105

Fab Finds: The Manhattan Steakhouse

Fab Finds: The Manhattan Steakhouse

Happy Birthday Big Bro!

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