
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Rarity the Pony & Ballerinas

My sweet little niece Isabella just turned five yesterday! FIVE!!! I can't believe it!! She's 5 going on 15 I swear!  Right now she's REALLY into My Little Ponies which is so funny because I remember being obsessed with them at her age too!  Funny how toys like that stick around, such nostalgia!

Since she had a My Little Pony themed birthday party, I decided to stick with the theme for part of her birthday gift and get a custom bracelet made for her through an Etsy shop called "Hello Love Kalia" which customizes in handmade children's jewelry.

I ordered this specific pony because "Rarity" happens to be one of Bella's FAVORITE ponies!  And I happen to think little Rarity reflects my personality too, so win win!

Rarity is well known for her generosity. She enjoys designing fashionable clothes for her friends to make them look as fabulous as they are on the inside. She is always happy to share with others.
— My Little Pony

The next bracelet I ordered was a customized Ballerina Bracelet with the year 2016 because this was the first year Isabella took ballet and performed in a recital.  I wanted to get this for her to remind her that she and I have a special bond.  She may not realize it now, but hopefully when she's older and pulls out this bracelet she'll ask her Auntie Pinny (that's what she's called me since she could talk) about it.  

I took dance for almost 15 years and it was something I am so thankful my mom got me involved in since I was even younger than Bella.  While I was watching Isabella perform in her recital, I couldn't help but think about all the memories I had while taking dance lessons and performing in my recitals while at The Dancing School of Selma.  In August of 2001, I was fortunate enough to travel with the 2nd Street Dancers to the People's Republic of China after having been invited by the Chinese government.  We toured China for 2 weeks performing in multiple cities all while my mom sang and performed songs on tour with us.  Those opportunities really helped shaped me and make me appreciate the Arts as an adult.  Truly a once in a lifetime opportunity!

I was a Purple Jewel and Bella was a Strawberry...you would NEVER be able to tell! haha 

If you have a crush on all things ADORABLE and love the newest trend of fashionable children's jewelry, then check out this Etsy shop!  She does not disappoint!  They're so cute that I wish she made them ALL in adult sizes!  Fortunately though, there are a quite a few that come in adult sizes such as this one and this one!

Yaritza the owner was so nice that she even threw in an extra bracelet with the order!  I will definitely be ordering from her shop again!

LOVE canvas painted by Bella - 19 months old, 2/14/13

 I really hope Isabella loves these bracelets just as much as I loved customizing them.  I feel like each of these is very special for her to have.  I hope she holds on to them and cherishes them so that one day she and I can both look back at them together and share our memories.

Aunty Pinny Loves You Bella! 

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy Birthday Sweet Isabella!!

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