
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Tyme Iron

Fab Finds: Tyme Iron

Ladies, have you ever tried to curl your hair with a straightener and fail miserably?!  Well, that would be me!  I just CAN'T do it for the life of me! Impossible.  However, my best friend Jenna is a pro, and I've always been in awe of how she manages to do it so perfectly!  

I was randomly browsing Instagram one night and came across this amazing product called the "Tyme Iron" and it is SOOOOO cool!!  It looks like it's just a funky cool straighter, but it's so much more! It ALSO has a built in way of guiding you to curl your hair which is what makes it so awesome!  Yes, it straightens your hair as well, and makes your hair super silky smooth, so that is just an added feature, but I was completely sold after I watched a bajillion videos on how to curl with it and just HAD to have it and try it for myself...

Take a look at my hair after only having used the iron twice...TWICE!! It's that easy people!! I'm sold and obsessed! It's super easy, takes no time and the curls honestly last all day!  These curls right here lasted 12 hours and that was with very little hairspray!

So next time you find yourself trying to curl your hair with your straightener and getting super frustrated, just think to yourself... "Is it Tyme...to try something new?" ...omg what is wrong with me!?  I promise you, it's worth the money! 

Fab Finds: "Farmer's Daughter" Necklace

Fab Finds: "Farmer's Daughter" Necklace

Fab Finds: Summer Grazin'

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