
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Chicago Check-In & OSL Music Mondays

Fab Finds: Chicago Check-In & OSL Music Mondays

Hi Guys!! I miss you!! I'm still here in Chicago and enjoying every second!  I thought I'd check in and give you a quick update on what I've been up to so far and of course, as promised, week number two in our Music Monday: Outside Lands Edition! 

Here's a quick little glimpse into the city through my eyes! (I will definitely expand more later!)  

(Click on the links below to learn more!)

|| Giordano's ||

|| Beatrix | Streeterville ||

|| The Bean ||

|| Cindy's Rooftop ||

|| Eataly Chicago ||

|| IFT - Day 1 ||

|| Chicago Chop House || 

So there you have it, a quick look into my trip so far!  I can't WAIT to get into more detail about everything we did, but for now, I'll leave that up to your imagination!  Make sure to continue following my adventures on Snapchat (@hyeper17), Twitter (@kimsfabfinds) and Instagram (@kimberlykbedrosian)!  I'll make sure to keep 'em coming! 

Outside Lands is quickly approaching and we're not on week two of Outside Lands Music Mondays, and let me say, I'll most definitely be jammin' out to these tunes on the airplane coming home later this week! Day two of Outside Lands is looking like it's going to be more of a chill day, so I think we have a pretty healthy mix of music that will help us do just that...chill. 

Happy Birthday Papa Kenny!!

Off To The Windy City

Off To The Windy City

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