
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Fulton Cycle Works

I've always had a vision of myself enjoying fun bike rides with friends, going to farmer's markets, getting coffee, you name it!  Well, over the weekend I made that vision come true!! 

I had been on the hunt for a bike for awhile and when I mentioned it to my friend April, she suggested the bike she has.  She told me it was a little pricier, but definitely worth the money!  When she sent me the most ADORABLE picture of herself riding her creamsicle colored "PUBLIC" bike, I had to learn more about these bikes!  This company is a San Francisco based company that specialize in European-inspired bikes that look so chic that it's literally like adding another accessory to your outfit!

April and her husband put me in contact with the owner Darren of Fulton Cycle Works and I told him which bike I wanted, what color, how tall I was and voila! He ordered it and it was here in two days!!  He put it together for me and last Saturday April and I picked up my red beauty!

Let's back up for a second...  Fulton Cycle Works just moved it's shop from Fresno to Hanford and lucky for us, Amtrak offers a stop in Hanford.  So April and I planned to take a little train adventure from Fresno to Hanford and explore the town and pick up my bike!  The ride there was a whopping 30 mins and such an easy trip!  I don't know why I don't use Amtrak more, it really is so easy if you're looking to take a nice day trip somewhere!  

We got to town a little before the shop opened so we decided to walk around, make a wish in the fountain and get a little exercise!

Finally the clock struck 11am and the shop was open!  Time to pick up my bike!! I honestly felt like a little kid on Christmas morning, I was THAT excited!  I couldn't believe it was finally going to be mine!   She was such a beauty and I could just envision all of the adventures awaiting us!

I was very happy to see the shop so busy this early on in the day!  Once Darren got a second to breathe, he came over to me and I finally introduced myself to him in person since we previously made all arrangements over the phone.  You guys, he's honestly SUCH a nice person and so helpful!! Another thing that I like about this business besides the fact that it's local is that his wife was there working right by his side, his 2 1/2 year old son was there making all the ladies smile and they even have a beautiful shop dog who is just a joy.  What can I say, I got a thing for family businesses! 😉

He pulled my bike down from the window display and we took it out back for a little test ride!  I was a little nervous, but so excited!  I hadn't ridden a bike in quite sometime, but I just knew I could do it!  After all, they don't say "it's just like riding a bike" for nothing!

It rode PERFECTLY.  These bikes are literally designed to ride like "buttah" and they most certainly do.  It was so easy to get going and to stop.  There were no falls or crashes, so I call that a win!!  Daren adjusted the sit to my height and gave me a few little tips that I found EXTREMELY helpful.  After that we found myself a basket, helmet and chain-lock, allllll of the essentials of course!  

Thank you Daren for all your help in finding me the perfect bike.  Im so happy to have been able to support a local business and wish you nothing but success in the future!!  

If you're local, and looking for a new bike, do yourself a favor and go see Darren and tell him I sent you!  Take the train to Hanford, visit the shop and GO TO SUPERIOR DAIRY!!  Make a day out of it, that's what we did and it was so much fun!

P.S. That's a small scoop folks!

We walked around for a bit more before it was time to head back home on the train!  I'm so happy we decided to take the train down to Hanford because it's something I've never done before and it most definitely opened my eyes up to more opportunities that are right here in my community in the future!  

I can't wait to put some miles on my Red Beauty!! 

Fab Finds: FabFitFun

Fab Finds: FabFitFun

Fabulously Delicious: Limoncello Trifle with Fresh Berries

Fabulously Delicious: Limoncello Trifle with Fresh Berries

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