
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: The Lazy Monkey and Her Ugly Puppy Home Designs

Now WHAT in the world am I talking about!??!  Well, my dear friend, (practically an older sister) Annette is a mastermind when it comes to home designs, renovations and pretty much anything you can think of!  She's constantly working on a project whether it's building a shed or a chicken coop and would rather have a new set of power tools than a whole lot of other "pretty" things!  Not to mention, she's a wonderful mother of two beautiful children and a wife to her awesome husband Nate!  How DOES she do it?!  She's amazing and I wish I could do HALF the things she can do!  I'm just waiting for her show to one day launch on HGTV...it will happen!

For a long time, I had been wanting curtains for my living room, but not just any old buy-at-Target curtains, I wanted custom curtains!  I had a certain vision in mind and I decided it was time to make the commitment!  I researched for a long time what design and style I wanted, and was originally going to purchase them through Etsy, but then a lightbulb went off in my head, ANNETTE!! DUH!!  So I decided to shoot Annette a text a see if she'd be up for the task.  She wrote me back and was so grateful that I even thought of her, and immediately started working on quotes.  Once we finalized all the details, and a quick visit to the house for some measurements, she began the project!

This was my original vision...

And this was before...

(For 8 years might I add!)

And the final result...

THEY ARE PERFECT!!!!!!!!!  Honestly, everything I could've imagined and more!!  They're 100% cotton, so I can wash them in the washer if I wanted to, and the best part is they're blackout curtains, so when it comes time to watch Walking Dead in October, I can watch it in the dark!! (Since I get to watch it early with DIRECTV while it's still light outside.)

I honestly can't thank Annette enough for making my vision become a reality!  She was so easy to work with and I am so grateful to know somebody as talented and creative as she is!

Literally, perfect.

P.S. Can you tell I like red?!

So, just to give you an idea of how long I've known Annette... her sister Laura and I are best friends, known each other since we were two, so basically Annette has known ME since I was two...so that would be 29 years. That's a LONG time folks!  Here's a fun throw back of us!

Here's a more recent picture of Annette (left) and Laura (right) at one of my Christmas parties, aren't they just beautiful!!?!  

Fab Finds: Fig & Olive

Fab Finds: Fig & Olive

Fab Finds: Taste on Melrose

Fab Finds: Taste on Melrose

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