
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Gentle Giants

"From Caped Crusader...

...to Canine Crusader!"

Saving lives and helping dogs live longer, healthier, and happier lives!
— Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions

I was listening to EW Radio a couple months ago and caught a RANDOM interview with Burt Ward, Robin, the Boy Wonder from the 1960's Batman TV series.  Like I said, random!  He was speaking so passionately about this non-profit dog rescue and adoption organization that he and his wife Tracy run and it really caught my attention and touched my heart.

Gentle Giants is the largest giant breed dog rescue in the world located in Riverside County, California.  Over the last 19 years, Burt and Tracy have found homes for more than 15,000 dogs through rescuing and adoption.  Isn't that just the best statistic ever!!  Warms my heart!  As Burt continued on through his interview, he began to speak about dog food.  Weird, right?!  Well there was a specific reasoning behind this...

Burt and Tracy currently have 24 dogs (SAY WHAT!??!) between the ages of 15 and 25 who are running around with energy like puppies!  Burt says for their age and breed, this shouldn't be possible.  So what is it!?  It has to what the dogs are eating.  Burt and his wife have spent A LOT of money and efforts creating a dog food, "Gentle Giants Dog Food" that is not only good for the dogs, but it can DOUBLE the lifespan of your pup!  For example, a Great Dane aka "Gentle Giant" has a lifespan of about 6-8 years.  Well, Burt tested his dog food out on some Great Danes they initially began rescuing and now have some that are currently 14-16 years old.  A Great Dane living that long almost doesn't seem POSSIBLE!  Yet, it is.  

So after Burt's heartwarming interview that really touched me, I knew I needed to look into this dog food a little more.  My babies are only 3 years old, so I figured if I start them now, they'll have QUITE the road ahead of them!

Here are the deets:

You can buy a 33 lb. bag of dog food either at Wal-Mart or on Amazon.com for $34.96, but why those places and not a pet store?!  Well, if they were to sell the food at a pet store, they would have to mark up the price to $85-$95 a bag because it's technically sold in a specialty store.  They didn't think this was right or fair, so they found a way to make it affordable for everyone.  What I love about Burt and Tracy is that time and time again, they have stressed that they are not in it for the money.  They are in it for the dogs, for the health and happiness of all dogs out there and that's something so refreshing to see.  

Also, the bag is SO cool!!  AND, Burt believes in this product so much that his personal cell phone number is on the back of every bag of dog food.  If that doesn't give you confidence, then I don't know what does!

Do the pups like it!?

I fed the food to my dogs for the first time last week and as SOON as I poured it in their bowls, they scarfed it down!!  This was the first time I've EVER changed their dog food since I first adopted them and I honestly thought it was going to take some time for them to get used to it.  I could not believe how fast they ate it.  When it came time for their next meal, Bixby literally did about three spins in front of his bowl SO excited to eat and Khaleesi (who normally hesitates to eat) ate right away.  It was amazing.  Also, I use them as treats and they work too!! Unbelievable.  

Of course, Bixby...always eating! #BixbyBurrito

Can I just say that when I opened the bag and found that the food was shaped into hearts and bones I about lost it!!  Like, so cute.  Even more of a reason to feed it to your pups!  #CuteFood

If you wanna give the food a trial run, Amazon sells it in a 3.5 lb. bag as well, so you don't have to fully commit to 33 lbs.  I just really had faith in Burt and went for it!  Thankfully, the puppies love it and all is well in this puppy haven!  

Wanna Donate?

Want to help out Gentle Giants Rescue & Adoptions?  Click HERE to donate and help save lives of many beautiful and loving Gentle Giants!  Anything helps!

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