
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Outside Lands - Sunday

Fab Finds: Outside Lands - Sunday

Today is our 3rd and final day of Outside Lands and we have had the BEST time!!  Yesterday my total step count was 24,637 which was pretty good if you ask me!  Today we're starting the day off relaxed and slow with no morning agenda, "sleeping in" if you will...  I definitely need the sleep that's for sure!  Gearing up for the best day 3 yet!!

Last and final schedule for the weekend...

The day I've been waiting for!!  SOOOO many good acts!!  It's gonna be hard to see them all, but I will sure as heck try my hardest!! You guys... Lionel Richie AND Lana Del Rey, WHHHHY must they put them on at the same time!!?! Kills me.  Also, I must say, Third Eye Blind is pretty much about to make my life...again.  (Fresno Fair, one of my very first concerts ever!)

Snapchat: (@hyeper17) Instagram: (kimberlykbedrosian)

Stay Tuned!

Stay Tuned!

Fab Finds: Outside Lands - Saturday

Fab Finds: Outside Lands - Saturday

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