
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Outside Lands - Day 1 Recap

Fab Finds: Outside Lands - Day 1 Recap

I'm going to take you inside the full experience of my Outside Lands adventures day by day this week and I hope this might spark a little interest in you to possibly want to attend next year's festivities!  This year was my 4th year attending this mind-blowing festival and it just keeps getting better and better!  

As mentioned before, Friday morning we left bright and early and headed straight for the San Francisco airport to pick up our friends Holly and Sean who flew in from L.A.  From there, we went to our friend Matt's apartment who graciously allowed us to crash at his place for 3 days!  After searching for parking, RELENTLESSLY (which we had no luck), we ended up doing a quick change with the car at Matt's, dropped our stuff off, then headed out to find MORE parking!  With patience, we finally came across a spot...only 37 blocks away, no bigs, but it was closer to the entrance of the park so it kind of worked out perfect!  We walked the couple blocks from my car to the park and our weekend had OFFICIALLY began!

We immediately unloaded some of our stuff off into our PRE-RESERVED locker (highly recommended), and hopped on over to Beerlands for our very first brew of the weekend!

After we realized the trend of the "cashless wristbands" this year, we decided to get in on the program and go load up our wristbands with what they call "Bison Bucks."  What this does is allow you to basically tap your wristband and pay any vendor without having to take out your credit card or cash.  Some areas of the venue are EXCLUSIVELY cashless zones, so it's best just to top that bad boy off with some buckeroonies!  Also, it's much more convenient than having to reach in your bag every time you wanna buy drink or some food!

The weather on Friday was pretty good, a bit chilly, but still warm enough to where I felt comfortable enough in a tank!  We ventured around the park for a bit and I made my first pit-stop of my foodie list with the "Chicken Tikka Masala Sexy Fries" from Curry Up Now and they were BOMB!!!  The spice complimented the sweet potatoes perfectly which definitely left me salivating for more!  I even think these fries converted Randy into a sweet potato lover!

After we had snacks...yes, this was just a snack, we stopped by the Camelbak water station to fill up our water bottles then we were on our way to the Land's Ends stage for our first show: St. Lucia!!

We then decided it was time for a little comedy, so off to The Barbary we went!  The Barbary is the comedy tent they have set up at Outside Lands with different comedy acts going on throughout the day.  It's a pretty cool little set up they've got going on there!

But first...duh, food.  We decided to all share a little bit of the "Porky Fries" and the "Bacon Double Cheese Burger" from the Bacon Bacon truck.  That burger may have been one of the best things I ate the entire weekend.  It was so juicy!  (SO juicy that it stained my jeans...every time I look at those spots I'll remember that amazing burger!)  The only bad thing I have to say is that I had to share it, such a bummer! haha

The comedy acts we saw were both Beth Stelling and John Mulaney!  I have to say, Beth Stelling was HILARIOUS!!!!!  We didn't know who was opening for John Mulaney, and I am sure glad it was her because she just gained a new fan!  I could listen to her stand-up work for hours!!  John Mulaney was also equally as hilarious and I'm really glad I was able to see him live!!

After the show, we booked it over to the Sutro Stage for the organically talented Nathaniel Ratecliff & The Night Sweats, or as I like to call him "Daniel Radcliffe!"  I wish we could have caught the entire set because he was unreal!  His voice and the vibe he was giving off just screamed a good time!!  You couldn't help but jump around and be happy!

After his show, we meandered our way back towards the main stage and got ready for LCD Soundsystem, and by got ready for the show I meant figured out what we were eating... It's a good thing we walked a ton over these three days!! haha

We all decided on a couple different options, and I decided to hit up a place on my list called Pica Pica Arepa Kitchen (which is actually a restaurant in the City I've been wanting to try for a couple years now due to this little old show called Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, so that worked out perfect!)  I got the Pulled Pork Pernil Arepa with Yuca Fries and it was definitely worth the wait!   I will be making the effort to actually go to the restaurant someday and try more items on their menu!  So delicious!! 

With happy tummies, it was time to party down to some LCD Soundsystem!  They were so much fun!! Literally a giant dance party!

Before the night ended, we headed over to the Twin Peaks stage to catch the tail end of J.Cole's show which was so awesome!!  You can just tell how humble and passionate he is while performing.  It's a really nice change to see that for once!  

I was so happy we ended our night right here. 

What A day...now you can see how I got in 25,381 steps that day!  A loooot of walking!  I don't mind because, helllloooo apparently we have to eat every 30 seconds!

My adventure continues tomorrow, so stay tuned!

Fab Finds: Outside Lands - Day 2 Recap

Fab Finds: Outside Lands - Day 2 Recap

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