
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: The Big Fresno Fair - Photography Exhibit

Fab Finds: The Big Fresno Fair - Photography Exhibit

Can you believe the Big Fresno Fair is less than a month away already?!  It certainly snuck up on me!  What REALLY snuck up on me was getting my photos ready to enter into the Photography Exhibit.  I've been entering photos in the Fresno Fair's photography exhibit for the past seven years and this year will make it my eighth year competing, so yesterday when I made my 8th drop off, it sort of felt surreal.  It's always so exciting to see what other people decide to enter because everyone has such a different eye for photography.  There are some AMAZING photographers right here in the Central Valley and I am so proud to be competing among them all.  

The photography exhibit has ALWAYS been my favorite place to visit at the fair, after grabbing a corn dog of course!  Every year I try to make it to the fair at LEAST two times and if I'm like lucky three times!  I like to try and go at least once during the day on a week day because it's a little less crowded and I'm a get in and get out type of girl!  I have my spots I like to hit and I'm done!  Every year, I make it a point to take my parents to the fair - have a little parental outing if you will!  It's really sweet to see their reactions to my photos, whether they place or not.  They're my biggest fans and will always be there to support me!  

However, the next time I go is usually a friend outing, which ends up being more of an adventure.  This is where I get all my fair food experience in and explore the kiosks and booths.  Oh, and I ALWAYS have to pit stop in the livestock area - believe it or not, I raised lambs for FFA in high school for all four years, such a little Ag princess over here! #not   One other thing I love doing is venturing over to the Home Arts building because A. my brother enters in BEAUTIFUL bead work and WINS (GO BRO!) and B. I love looking at all the baked goods people enter in.  I'm highly considering entering a few "Kim's Originals" next year!  Let's see if I can get my act together in time!

In honor of my photography drop off this week, I thought it would be fun to take you on a little trip down memory lane of some of the past photos I've entered in the fair, some which have won awards, and some which I just absolutely adore!  I'd LOVE to hear which ones are your favorites!  


I'm so fortunate and thankful that my photos have won awards ranging from 1st, 2nd and 3rd to Honorable Mention, People's Choice, and Adult Choice.  It makes me happy to know that somehow, someway, my photos have touched somebody out there.  I honestly love doing it for you guys and especially love hearing you tell me you saw my photos!  It makes my day!

I've decided to give you all a sneak peek of this year's entry... I wouldn't normally do this, but these are three (there are 10 total) of the photos I am most excited about!  If you're feeling generous, make sure to vote for People's Choice!!  (I'll remind you closer to the fair! πŸ˜‰ )

18 days and counting...

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Fab Finds: September "I've Tried It" Pinterest Recipes

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