
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: 10 Favorite Snappers

Fab Finds: 10 Favorite Snappers

Are you a Snapper or an Instagram story kind of person? I gotta be honest, I've never created one Instagram story...just haven't gotten into it! I'm a Snapper kind of gal! I thought I'd give you a little weekend entertainment and prep you guys with a list of 10 of my favorite Snappers in no particular order! I follow quite a few people, but there are just a few that I ALWAYS watch, hands down! So here ya go...sit back and get your snap on!

Shay Mitchell - @officialshaym

Best known for her role as Emily on one of my favorite shows, Pretty Little Liars, this girl is not only absolutely stunning, but is so incredibly down to earth, hilarious, shows real love for her fans, is dedicated to her workouts and loooooooves pizza! Definitely a fun one to follow!

Chrissy Teigen - @chrissyteigen

You guys, this girl can COOOOOK!!! I bought her cookbook last year and it is AMAZING!! Not only does she prove that she can actually cook in her snaps, but I just love her passion for food, plus she's just a super funny human being!

Damsel in Dior - @damselindior

This spicy little Texan named Jacey Duprie takes you behind the scenes of the fashion world while she travels the globe and shares her most valuable tips, tricks and secrets to help you feel just as glamorous as her!

What's Gaby Cooking - @whatsgabycookin

It's "Gah-Bee" not "Gabby" people! (I got your back girl!) You all know she's one of my favorites and if you love her recipes, then you'll LOVE her snaps! She is quite the character, and has the most down to earth personality! She treats you like you're one of her friends, and it's truly appreciated! Make one of her recipes, snap it to her and she'll snap you back!! Also, don't miss her Friday Snapisodes, they're super fun, very informative, leave you hungry and they most definitely leave you wanting to cook that dish!

Bev Cooks - @bevcooks

Talk about a gal FULL of personality!! Bev continually cracks me on a daily basis with her off the wall conversations with the Snap world, how much she ADORES her twin babes and just how genuinely real she is about life! Follow her for a good laugh! 

Desi Perkins - @desiperkins

Desi Perkins is best known for her makeup tutorials on YouTube (which I just recently discovered), but I just randomly started following her on Snapchat and she is SOOOO funny!!!! Omg, her with her dogs KILLS me!!! If you look up pictures of her, she's always glammed up, but the above picture is what she's normally like in her Snaps aka everyday life. What's so refreshing is that she goes out into public without makeup on and has sweet, simple date nights with her husband. I love her cute little family and I really look forward to her Snaps!

Jamie Beck - @annstreetstudio

Between following her French living and New York state of mind, Jamie's life is so intriguingly beautiful. Jamie and her husband Kevin are two AMAZING photographers that have the opportunity to photograph only things you could dream about. Her travels will make you salivate and her home life is honestly perfection in the most simple way. Pretty often, Jamie does photography tutorials which is something I get really excited about!

Kate Hudson - @khudsnaps

Ok, finally someone you all KNOW!! Kate Hudson is a doll and I adore her! I've especially grown more fond of her since the launch of her Fabletics company which is ALL I WEAR! She's extremely quirky, a super fun mom and she shows behind the scenes footage of Fabletics gear on her Snaps, so it's super fun to see what's coming out soon!!

Picky-Palate - @picky-palate

This adorable gal is a mother to THREE boys and is always cookin' up a storm in her newly renovated kitchen! She has such a bubbly personality and is always taking you on the road with her on her girl's trips around the country and showing you all the most indulgent, most delicious foods out there! She's also a sucker for Disneyland, so you'll probably catch her there QUITE often!

The Duff Sisters

Haylie Duff - @haylieduff | Hilary Duff - @hilaryduff

I love these girls!! I usually watch their snaps back to back from each other so I counted them as one! A lot of times they're together, so it's fun to see them interact with each other's children and see them as aunties. I enjoy both of these gals individually - Haylie more recently from her Cooking Channel adventures and Hilary from obviously growing up and from her more recent gig, Younger. Gotta love 'em!

Alright, well that should entertain you for a bit! If you want anymore Snapchat recommendations, I'm here for you! I know you're DYING to know who else I follow! haha It's the little things in life that entertain me my friends! Happy Snapping!

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