Kim's Fab TV Guide - Returning Shows
I told you I’d be back… Now let’s dig into all the RETURNING shows!
**WARNING: May contain spoilers

Bless This Mess (Season 2) - Tuesday Nights on ABC @ 8:30pm, or Catch up on Hulu
A show created by the hysterical Lake Bell (who co-stars alongside the equally hysterical Dax Shepard) has not only written a laugh out loud comedy, but brings hope to situations when things don’t always go as planned…in a not so conventional way. I’m so happy it got picked up for season two because I look forward to it every week!

Modern Family (Season 11) - Wednesday Nights on ABC @ 9pm or Catch up on Hulu
Returning for its last and final season, Modern Family comes back with an even fuller house; two words: Poppy & George. I gotta be honest, I hit the breaks on the last season of Modern Fam, but not for any particular reason. Once I got back in, I binged away and am officially on track for a final season of Dunphy love!

Single Parents (Season 2) - Wednesday Nights on ABC @ 9:30pm or Catch up on Hulu
If you didn’t catch this show last season, you’ve gotta catch up and watch this season! I’m not gonna lie, I think the kids in this show really steal the spotlight! They do a fabulous job of incorporating them into the story lines in a unique way which I thinks always adds such a fun element to the viewing experience!

Superstore (Season 5) - Thursday Nights on NBC @ 8pm or Catch up on Hulu
Season five already? It honestly gets funnier and funnier. I do feel like this show is an acquired taste AND a show you have to physically WATCH (put that phone down…). There are certain scenes they sneak in that are not necessarily scripted, but are hysterical!

The Good Place (Season 4) - Thursday Nights on NBC @ 9pm or Catch up on Hulu
The Good Place. sigh A show that is SO incredibly smart. From creator of The Office, Mike Schur, you get that same comedic feel, but in an odd way that you’ve never seen before on television. It’s forking awesome.

American Housewife (Season 4) - Friday Nights on ABC @ 8pm or Catch up on Hulu
A show that centers around a middle-class family that moves to a ritzy East Coast town and struggles to figure out how to fit in…at first. Let me tell you, THEY FIGURE IT OUT ALRIGHT! haha Regardless of their class, when it comes to family, they know whats’s really important. So, whether you’re a mom, dad, brother, sister or have ever been a part of a family, you will appreciate this show! It hits every family issue on the nose and doesn’t hold back! Mama is sassy!!

Fresh Off the Boat (Season 6) - Friday Nights on ABC @ 8:30pm or Catch up on Hulu
Remember how I told you about those shows I’d watch while getting ready? This was one of them! With five seasons and 101 episodes total, I finally caught up a week before it’s season six premiere and it felt SO good! I cannot get enough of this show - each character is so funny in their own ways and I crave time with the Huang family!

The Good Doctor (Season 3) - Monday Nights on ABC @ 10pm, or Catch up on Hulu
I LOVE THIS SHOW. A show about an autistic doctor? I’m done. It hits me right in the gut, and that’s probably because I’m such an emotional person, but this story is incredible and there’s a reason it’s doing so well. I think it’s showing the audience another side of people that is raw and real.

This is Us (Season 4) - Tuesday Nights on NBC @ 9pm, or Catch up on Hulu
Do I even need to? lol You like it or don’t. You need a good cry or you don’t!

The Walking Dead (Season 10) - Sunday Nights on AMC @ 9pm, or Catch up on Netflix (Seasons 1-9)
Yes, I’m probably the only person you know that is still invested in this show, but you guys IT’S GOOD! It had a little falling out with the fans for a bit, but it picked back up and I am here for it! The season 10 premiere was AH-MA-ZING and I cannot wait to see what this season brings!

Mr. Robot (Season 4) - Sunday Nights on USA @ 10pm, or Catch up at
Not gonna lie… This is the ONLY show I’m behind on…
I’m about two episodes into season three. I’m not sure exactly what happened because I genuinely like this show. Maybe I’ll put it on my uber binge list this Fall/Winter!

Riverdale (Season 4) - Wednesday Nights on The CW @ 8pm, or Catch up on Netflix (Seasons 1-3) (PREMIERES 10/9)
Oh. Em. Gee. I binged this show SO hard earlier this year and I am so happy I did! I just couldn’t get enough of it! I absolutely love the tone of this show, the twisted story lines and of course, the INCREDIBLE cast. Every single person in the this show is stunningly gorgeous! haha Also… team Bughead for life.
*Fun Fact: This show is based off a comic book!

The Voice (Season 17) - Monday & Tuesday Nights on NBC @ 8pm, or Catch up on Hulu
Ok.. so back in the day, I was a BIG American Idol fan - like used to call and vote, the whole thang. Then it got lame.
Enter THE VOICE. I thought it was a major copycat for awhile, until I decided to give it a real shot. Now I’M HOOKED. The judges are better, the format is better, the singing is better and it’s so much more positive. I look forward to it each and every week!

The Masked Singer (Season 2) - Wednesday Nights on FOX @ 8pm, or Catch up on Hulu
Yes. I’m one of those people who ACTUALLY watches this show. I watched it every week last season and I’m doing it all over again this season. It truly is “CRAZY, BONKERS, INSANE, & WACKY!” All I can say is check it out for yourself! It’s a show you can watch with your whole family, or with your puppies! Grab a glass of wine.. it makes it all that more entertaining!
OK ya’ll, come back for a breakdown of all the NEW shows that just premiered and my thoughts on them! There are DEFINITELY some good ones to check out!