
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Facture Goods

Do you swoon when you see beautiful, handmade, household items!!?  Not only that, but items that are affordable too!?  Well I'm a swoonin' kind of gal and let me warn you because once you visit this website, there's no turning back!

Facture Goods was created by Aron Fischer who is a fourth generation woodworker, designer, tinkerer, call him what you may, he knows how to use his hands!  

One of the many reasons why I love this company...

It is important to me that my work be affordable and attainable to as many people as possible...that is why I keep my prices where they are. These objects mirror my love for the hand...and I want you to be able to have them in your home.
— Aron Fischer

As I was browsing Instagram (shocking, yes I know), I found this page and couldn't stop scrolling.  I realized I kept liking and liking and liking so I figured I should probably just go to the website and see everything in more detail.  That's when I really fell in love and basically pinned everything to my Pinterest page.  I just love how organic and natural everything looks.  You can really see the love Aron pours into each item.  

Three particular items stuck out to me as "starter" purchases, because I most definitely wanted to buy everything he had available!  The first was the Brass Coffee Scoop.  I thought since I scoop coffee beans every morning before I grind them, might as well scoop 'em with style!  The next was the French Press Coffee Paddle, which is AMAZING!!  Instead of dirtying a spoon every time I mix my hot water and coffee grounds, I now have a designated stirrer.  I just love it so much.  Lastly was this BEAUTIFUL Hanna Reeves Cotton Tea-Towel.  Red of course.

Side Note: Can we just note on how PERFECTLY my French Press and coffee bean jars match the Facture Goods I purchased! #onbrand

Aren't they just stunning!??!  Ugh, I need more.  I have my eye on these Brass & Wood Measuring Spoons, this Clay & Wood Honey Spoon and this Wood Egg Tray next!

Thank you Aron for sharing your talents.  Your gift is TRULY appreciated!

Fab Finds: BaconFest & Music Mondays

Fab Finds: BaconFest & Music Mondays

Fab Finds: VNYL

Fab Finds: VNYL

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