
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: BaconFest & Music Mondays

Fab Finds: BaconFest & Music Mondays

Hellllloooo!!  How was your weekend!?  My weekend consisted of bacon, bacon and more bacon!  On Saturday, we opted for a day trip up to Monterey for BACONFEST!! You heard right, bacon.fest.  All things bacon. #heaven  This was seriously so much fun!!  Not only did we get to escape the super hot Valley heat for a couple hours, but we got to enjoy delicious food and awesome live music while browsing all the vendors they had set up!  

We met up with Randy's parents and sister who are just as much of bacon lovers as we are!  First thing I did was grab myself a bacon bloody mary, because when it comes to bacon, there are no rules.

 After that, we decided to take a "hot lap" and scope out all the booths and see what everyone was offering.  There were just SO many options, it was IMPOSSIBLE to eat them all...ugh, but I wanted to so bad.  SO, we all started out with some candy bacon that was to die for!  Randy moved on to a bacon wrapped hot dog and I went with Chef Todd Fisher's (From the show, United States of Bacon) "Man-i-mal Tots" which consisted of tater tots topped with jalapeno cheddar, chipotle aioli and bacon of course! 

After my first bacon course, we walked around to scope out the non-food vendors and see what fun stuff we could find!  There was one particular booth that stood out to me... I was drawn in when I saw a a wall of custom handwoven bracelets with ALLLLLLLL sorts of names on them with a gorgeous gal standing out front making them on the spot!  I can't tell you how many times I heard people come up and ask for their name and say that their name was spelled an odd way and nobody ever has it, and SHE HAD IT!!  No joke, I was instantly sold and knew I had to get something made.  I looked in the booth a little further and found SUNGLASSES!! YES!! These weren't just ordinary sunglasses, these were handmade bamboo sunglasses that came in so many different colors and shapes!  I honestly tried on every pair until I found the two that I loved!  

Back to the bracelet situation... I decided I wanted to get a custom bracelet with "Kim's Fab Finds" on it and she was SO excited to make it for me!  She was a doll and so sweet!  I gave her my business card and told her to be creative, do what you want and I'll come back and get it later!  When we came back, I couldn't believe it, she made this perfect bracelet with the vibrant colors of my business card that I will wear proudly every day.  When she tied it on me, she said "It's our family tradition to make a wish while I tie it on you..." My heart.  Randy's mom graciously bought me this as a gift and the whole experience really touched me! Both of these companies are based in Hawaii and are so unique in their own ways!

Ok, back to bacon!  We continued on with some tri-tip and ribs, bacon & blue cheese tots, some deep fried avocados with bacon and then a palette cleanser... a bacon free sno-cone! lol

This is such an affordable event to attend and fun for the whole family too!  The ticket prices are $12 a ticket if bought in advance, $15 at the gate.  Military and children passes are $7 when purchased in advanced and $8 at the gate.  They have food, beer, wine, cocktails, live music, rides, carnival games, vendors to shop from and so much more!  Now that we've fully experienced BaconFest we will most DEFINITELY be back next year! How can you beat this!?!   

The last thing I did before we left was buy some ACTUAL bacon from Baker's Bacon to take back home with us...only seems practical right!!?  I bought two different kinds:

Applewood Smoked Naturally Double Smoked Bacon

What makes it double smoked? Two smokings and two woods. Starting with apple wood for the main smoke and cook, the bacon goes in to chill. The next day it gets a second smoke session, this time a cold smoke of maple wood. The result is rich, dark bacon with a sweet, well-balanced smoky flavor.
— Baker's Bacon

Original British-Brand Thick Sliced Bacon

Back bacon is different than regular US bacon in that it is made using the loin and belly. This beautiful cut of meat is leaner and meatier, creating nothing but great tasting bacon!
— Baker's Bacon

I can't WAIT to try these!!

|| Until next year... ||

Before we jump into this week's tunes, we need to talk about the Game of Thrones finale! EEK! Did you guys watch!?!  I think it was a nice closure to such a fast pace season... I mean yes, there was something MAJOR that went down, but the whole tone of this episode was very serious and steady and really lined up what we should expect next season!  Let's just hope we can all be patient and wait the 10 months we have ahead of us until the season premiere!  #ThronesWithdrawls

Alright, now throw these tunes on and remember... this coming weekend is 4th of July weekend, so we have that to look forward to!  Weekly goals people!

Have a Monday folks!

Fab Finds: Ginza Asian Bistro & Paint Nite

Fab Finds: Ginza Asian Bistro & Paint Nite

Fab Finds: Facture Goods

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