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Fab Finds: Favorite TV Dramas

Fab Finds: Favorite TV Dramas

I don't know about you, but I LOVE a good TV drama!  There is nothing better than having a cozy night in, with a glass of wine and binging away on your favorite drama.  To me, it's different than binging on a comedy.  They have a way of drawing you in more, sucking you in to that drama...if you will.  I can literally watch episode after episode ESPECIALLY when they're left on cliff hangers.  These days, streaming has made it especially easy for us to enjoy shows at our own leisure.  However, most of my list here, I watched in real time, week after week, anticipating what was to come next, which made the drama even better!

Take a look at my top 10 Favorite TV dramas!

|| One Tree Hill ||

You guys, this is one of my ALL TIME favorite shows, hands down!  You may have forgotten about it, but it is truly a special show.  I watched this show literally from my first year of college (2003) until I graduated (2007), when I was living with the parentals (2007-2009) and in my current house (2010-2011).  So this show has been with me everywhere!  It really holds a special place in my heart.  I felt for the characters as if I knew them personally, all their gut-wrenching story lines, watching them grow up into accomplished adults, it really is a beautiful story.  I genuinely enjoyed both the original cast and the newer cast.  They transitioned the story line so seamlessly which made for absolute perfection. 

|| Breaking Bad ||

Now this is a show I can confidently say I binged the heck out of!!  However, I will say, it started off a bit rocky for me.  I watched the first few episodes of season one, took a little hiatus, jumped back in and hit the ground running!  I literally couldn't stop!! I remember, I was watching this show the same time the final season was airing, so it was REALLY hard to keep away from all the spoilers of what was happening in the current season.  Miraculously, I managed!  Honestly, this show is a masterpiece.  Vince Gilligan is a pure genius and his writing is completely mind-blowing.  Every detail is so thorough, so exact, nothing is missed.  I've re-watched this series and STILL find new things I didn't see the first time.  Unbelievable. 

Of COURSE I watch Game of Thrones...I'm part of the cult.  It's just SOOOO good!!! It's really funny because if you told me I'd be obsessed with a show about dragons and sword fighting dudes, I'd say you're crazy!  I think I really enjoy this show because each episode is like a mini movie, so well directed, produced and written.  Each season's story arc leads so well into the next making you want more and more.  They casted each character so perfectly, so when it's time to lose a character on screen, you feel it!  #holdthedoor I mean, what does is say when your own mother binges the entire series (6 seasons) in three weeks!?  Clearly this show has something special that grabs ya right off the bat! 

Oh PLL!  I swear, I get made fun of so much for watching this show, but I most certainly do not care!!  This is the ultimate guilty pleasure for me!  I could watch episode after episode of this show and never get sick of it!  I have to say, the show has definitely become a lot darker of the years and I tend to get jumpy, but I love it!  Also, I follow all these girls on Snapchat and they are HILARIOUS!! Especially Shay Mitchell and Ashley Benson.  They crack me up! #buttahbenzo They show lots of behind the scenes stuff on set which is really cool.  Annnd I mostly just wanna be BFF's with Shay.

|| Mr. Robot ||

Ok, this was a recent binge, like, a just finished last week binge.  I haven't started season 2, so Shhhhh.... I wanted to watch this show for so long and finally I decided to download season 1 for my Chicago trip and watch it on the plane.  I was INSTANTLY addicted, no joke, 14 minutes in and I was sold.  This show blew my mind.  The premise of the show is extremely relevant with how our society (😉 ) is right now that it's actually kind of creepy.  Everything about it is so intriguing and mysterious.  Also, it's really nice to see Christian Slater in a solid role on television!

|| UnREAL ||

I was a dedicated Bachelor/Bachelorette watcher for many years, and recently fell off the bandwagon, just couldn't do it anymore.  However, when I found out a past producer of the Bachelor created a show based off what really goes on behind the scenes of this type of reality show, I was SOLD!  I mean, you pretty much know the producers are feeding things into the contestant's ears, but you just don't wanna believe it!  NOW you're actually getting to see everything unfold is the most insane ways, fictional of course, but who knows, maybe some stuff could be based off real experiences!  What a genius idea!   This cast is SOOOO good, Shiri & Constance steal the show!

|| Weeds ||

Another genius show!  I will admit, towards the end of it's run it got a little rusty, but there were some REALLY good solid seasons in there that were unbelievable!  Mary-Louise Parker transformed herself into Nancy Botwin so well that it's really hard to imagine her playing anyone else!  I actually miss watching this show and all these characters.  There was something warmly satisfying about "Keepin' Up With the Botwins!"  I think I'm due for a re-watch!

|| Dexter ||

Another binge-worthy show!  This show makes me want to go to Miami so bad!  Both the background music and the whole vibe of the show are so relaxed that you FEEL relaxed while watching...minus the whole serial killer thing.  I think Michael C. Hall's soothing voice narrating the show really helps draw you in and makes you feel like you're a part of HIS world.  They've done such a great job of making you fall in love with a serial killer.  Like, how, why, WHAT!?!  Oh Dexter! 

|| Hanibal ||

Hannibal, based off the infamous character from Silence of the Lambs.  This show is crazy.  Half the time I'm not sure how the heck I'm watching it, but it is SO well done it's nuts!  The creative design behind each episode is so beautiful that it's hard to look away.  This show is basically the introduction of who Hannibal Lecter is and how he came to be himself later.  Mads Mikkelsen is truly a gifted actor.  It wasn't until this show that I really saw him shine, and I have to say he is so creepy, yet so charming all at once.  I'd say that's a job well done!  

|| Gossip Girl ||

Now I'm going to leave you on a lighter note...Gossip Girl, you know you watched it!  Again, obsessed.  I LOOOOOVED this show, like couldn't wait for it to air each week!  There was something so intriguing about that glamorous Upper East Side, New York City living, especially for me coming from a small town.  Also, I really enjoyed watching spoiled kids on TV get into trouble, is that bad!? haha It's fake, nobody ACTUALLY got hurt!  So do YOU know who Gossip Girl is??! I do, I do!!!  Watch the show, then we'll discuss. 

XOXO, Gossip Girl

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