
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Outside Lands - And We're Off!

Fab Finds: Outside Lands - And We're Off!

Today is day one of Outside Lands and we are ready to hit the ground running!!  I've been waiting a whole year for this and I couldn't be more excited!!  We left bright and early this morning en route to San Francisco, but first, we stopped by SFO airport to pick up our friends Holly and Sean who flew in from L.A.  It's our "day of OSL" tradition!

We are pumped and ready to live it up one more year here at Outside Lands 2016!!

Take a look at today's schedule:

The boxes in red are all the bands I WANT to see...in my perfect Outside Lands world of course.  Unfortunately, you don't get to see everyone you want, but you do get to hear bands from all parts of the park, so that's kind of cool!  Looks like I'll be parked at the Land's End aka the "main stage" for most of Friday!  I don't mind cuz that where all the good food is! πŸ˜‰  

P.S. I just realized this is my FIRST year at OSL having had LASIK done!!! No more prescription glasses or squinting for me!!! I'll be able to see EVERYTHING!!!!!!!

Make sure to follow along on Snapchat (@hyeper17) and Instagram (@kimberlykbedrosian) to see everything Outside Lands!  I'll be posting everything from food to music and all the cool activities they've got going on!  Gonna be a blast!! #KimsFabOSL #outsidelands

Fab Finds: Outside Lands - Saturday

Fab Finds: Outside Lands - Saturday

Fab Finds: Favorite TV Dramas

Fab Finds: Favorite TV Dramas

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