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Fab Finds: Artist Spotlight - Florence & The Machine

Fab Finds: Artist Spotlight - Florence & The Machine

This red headed beauty is truly one of the most underrated musicians of our current time.  She is perfection.

Florence Welch, who co-founded Florence + The Machine with Isabella Summers back in 2007 helped create this London-based indie band who's production and musical skills are on another level.  They blew up so fast onto the music scene when their first album "Lungs" dropped back in 2009 and became so popular that their song "Dog Days Are Over" was a featured song on Glee back when that show was in it's prime!

Florence has such a uniquely distinctive voice that you can recognize it anywhere, anytime!  Her voice is so big and beautiful, yet soft and sweet all at the same time.  I admire the way she stays true to herself from her long red locks to her flowy bohemian-style dresses.  She hasn't tried to become someone else in all the years she's been on the scene, and as a fan, I appreciate that.  

Not only is her image consistent, but her music has been 100% consistent over the years as well.  I've genuinely enjoyed every piece of music she's put out and that's not something you can say about too many artists.  Her music has a tendency to hit me deep down in the gut, but also make me so happy that I find myself having dance parties around the house!  If an artist can accomplish that, then they've done their job.  

With music in general, I tend to focus really closely on the lyrics of songs because it truly helps me understand the artist more and maybe what they might have been going through when writing that particular song.  What's beautiful is that we're all human, we all go through tough times, and thankfully we have talented musicians in our world like Florence who creates musical masterpieces that touch our hearts, our minds or our souls in some way or another and may even make our worries disappear.  I know she's done this for me.

One of my favorite lyrics of hers (among many), comes from the song "Shake It Out" from the album Ceremonials:


Literally words to live by.  


Seeing Florence + The Machine perform live is definitely pretty high up on my bucket list.  I can only imagine what a performance she would give.  To me, she seems like she's an all or nothin' kind of gal, so I would have to believe she would give a performance of a lifetime, as if it were her last.

Give her a listen, maybe she will change your life, like she's changed mine.

This is music she JUST released from the Final Fantasy XV soundtrack.  I'm sure most of your will recognize track 2, so play that one first!

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Fab Finds: Kitchen Inspiration

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