
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Fall Decor & Festive Food Ideas

You may think I'm a BIT crazy when I mention the words "Fall Decor,"  but guys, it's LITERALLY right around the corner!  I was at Costco over the weekend and they had ALL their Halloween and Fall decorations out ready for purchase.  I wasn't mentally prepared to think about that quite yet, but then the day went on and I couldn't stop thinking about Fall!  I guess those pumpkin spice lattes and scrumptious bowls of butternut squash soup will be creepin' up on us faster than we think!

Whether you're prepping for a fun Halloween party or simply putting up your seasonal Fall decor around the house, I've got some great ideas here that I've been DYING to try and I'm sure you're going to love too!

{DIY Thanksgiving Centerpiece}

I have been wanting to do a pumpkin/flower centerpiece for so long and this one created by Wine and Glue is not only gorgeous, but seems SO simple to create.  I think I'm going to really make the attempt this Fall to make a couple of these babies and either put them on my table or even on my front porch.  They look so warm and inviting and makes me want a hot cup of spiced apple cider stat!

{Decadently Dark Candy Apples}

I meeeean, aren't these candy apples just absolutely GORGEOUS?!?!  They're so picturesque that I'm not even sure I would want to eat one!  Country Living has provided this super easy, yet stunning classic Halloween treat that will surely impress all your guests!

{DIY Copper Striped Pumpkins}

Back on my copper kick again and I am most DEFINITELY doing this project this year!  Homey Oh My has made this Fall decor craft SO easy with no mess and no cleanup!! My kind of jam!

{Apple & Gouda Grilled Cheese}

I'll take a grilled cheese any day, but you can't beat in-season apples and gouda cheese melted together into a luscious grilled cheese sando.  Allyson from Domestic Superhero really is a true superhero. Gimme, now.

{An Autumn Evening in the Orchard}

Pretty sure this photo is the definition of cozy.  I think this is such a beautiful setting and would easily find myself out here every night during those crisp, cozy Fall evenings.  French Country Cottage has created a space where you can spend quality time with your friends or family for hours at a time just enjoying their company and the beauty of nature while sippin' on something warm and spiced!

{Halloween Snack Mix aka "Harvest Mix"}

During the Fall season, this mix is what I'm known for...people ask me when I'm going to make it and when I finally make it, they want more!  Every year during this season, I make a MASSIVE amount of this mix and scoop them into individual mason jars for my friends, family and co-workers.  Whatever extra I have, I bring to work and people LITERALLY refill their jars!  Anything that has Cheese-Its in it has a gold star in my book.  I'm giving you a fair warning right now, THIS STUFF IS ADDICTING!!!!!!!  Buuuuut you should make it anyways.  Thank you Munchkin Munchies for creating this glorious treat!

If you're looking for places to find some FABULOUS Fall and Halloween decor, Pottery Barn and Pier 1 Imports are two of my favorite go-to destinations to either inspire me with new ideas or to just buy the entire store.  It's hard not to when everything is SO DARN CUTE!!

Happy Prepping! 

Fab Finds: World "Chompion" Barkbox

Fab Finds: Artist Spotlight - Florence & The Machine

Fab Finds: Artist Spotlight - Florence & The Machine

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