
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Home Office Inspiration

Fab Finds: Home Office Inspiration

For those of you that know me and have visited my house, know that my home office is my least put together room in my house. It ends up being my "junk room," if you will. This room gives me SO much anxiety that I keep that door tightly sealed and HATE going in there. It's an absolute disaster. One of my 2018 goals is to finally get this room cleaned up, organized and functional so that I actually enjoy walking in there and use it! 

True Story: Years ago, I bought a Groupon for a home organizer and had her help me organize this particular room and at one point it WAS indeed better than it is now. The one thing I learned from that experience was that I don't need to keep EVERY.SINGLE.BILL. I've paid. I mean, it was getting BAD! She also helped me get my wrapping paper and those goods somewhat...under wraps! haha But...that all didn't last long. I did however continue to toss my bills and sorrrrrta keep my wrapping situation tidy, but the room is STILL currently a disaster. 

Let me give you all a little insight into what I've got going on inside that little old office of mine...

  • Two Desks - One with a 27 inch Mac and one with random stuff
  • Two Chairs (One big, bulky, rolly chair, one wooden chair)
  • One bookshelf with random crap on it
  • One two-shelf cabinet with who knows what in it
  • One printer cabinet with a printer on it that hasn't had ink in it forrrrrr....a very long time!
  • A closet full of plastic totes full of wrapping paper, gifts bags, tissue, you name it!
  • Aaaaannnnddd an entire room full of random stuff

See my problem.

So, I've been putting together a little dream board of what I want my office to look like and what I want to use my office for. First things first, I want to be able to go into my office and ACTUALLY be able to work on my computer in there, instead of on the living room couch. I want this room to be a work-space where I feel like I'm accomplishing things - whether it be working on the blog, Senegence business, wrapping gifts or brainstorming fun new projects! I want a work oasis.

Shouldn't be too hard right?!

Below is my vision so far - I would love your thoughts, input and ANY advice you have for moving forward with this headache...errr super fun project! 







As you can see I'm SORT OF all over the place, but I SORT OF have a cohesive vision! I WILL eventually be putting hardwood (or hardwood looking floors) into my house, so that's step number one. I see my office as all white with touches of acrylic as my base, but haven't quite decided if I want my accessories copper or gold. My kitchen has copper accessories and I LOVE it! If you go copper, you have to find the right copper, otherwise it can look super cheap! With all that, I envision one colored accent piece - either a love seat or accent chair. Currently I have a red couch/chair and a black couch in my living room so I am no stranger to bold furniture! As I was researching I realized I have quite expensive taste, so I know I'm definitely going to have to re-evaluate what I've got buzzing around in my head! I'm super happy to have some sort of a layout or idea for what I want my office to look like. I've never done this before with any room in my house, so this is going to be very exciting!

Wish me luck!

I'll get there one day...

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