
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!

Fab Finds: Magazine Finds

Fab Finds: Magazine Finds

Do you ever find yourself piling stacks and stacks of magazines you don't EVER remember subscribing to or signing up for around the house? Well that's my problem... and recently I decided to figure out a way to eliminate this problem by taking the bull by the horns and dealing with it head on! I mean, it was getting SO bad that there would be stacks on my kitchen counter, stacks on my kitchen table, coffee table, laundry room counter, YOU NAME IT! First things first, I recycled all the magazines that weren't of the current year, if I haven't looked at them as of now, I'm NEVER going to look at them!

Next I bought this...

In black of course...

and luckily I already had this!

...I just wasn't using it correctly.

There's only one magazine that I currently subscribe to (that I know of) and that's Entertainment Weekly, other than that, no idea how I'm getting Shape, Architectural Digest, Better Homes & Garden, Family Circle, I mean you name it! I'm not complaining, because I do enjoy those reads, but you know, it can be a bit overwhelming at times....

Now that those magazines are all organized and taken care of, we move on to all those store magazines you receive that you're never quite sure HOW THE HECK they get your address! There are definitely those I look forward to: Pottery Barn, Anthropologie, Pier 1 Imports, Target, Nordstrom, Crate & Barrel, Williams Sonoma, Sur La Table...just to name a few...but then I get some WEEEEIRD ones that go STRAIGHT into the trash! Couldn't even tell you what they were called! 

What I've done to decrease the mess of these specific magazines is I've created a Pinterest board called "Magazine Finds" where say I'm flipping through a specific magazine and something stands out to me, I'll go to their website, head directly to the search bar and type in the exact name of the item since it's listed right on the page. It comes up, I pin it and I've got it right there on my board to either purchase later or to...admire forever. I've also created a subcategory within that board called "Purchased" for items I've purchased to let YOU all know when to ask me questions about the products, if I like them, you get the picture. Get what I'm doing here? In the old days, you'd either ear tag the page and go back to it later, or even tear out the photo and hang it up, but REALLY, this it what Pinterest was created for. I'm going back to the roots people.

Below are some of my FAVORITE finds from these magazines so far! I know they'll keep coming because I get at least 2-3 magazines a week! 

New Balance Magazine 

Talbots Magazine

Crate & Barrel Magazine

Pottery Barn Magazine

Sur La Table Magazine

If you head over to my full Pinterest Board, you'll be able to see ALL my fabulous finds! I'll be adding to the board as I browse through these magazines, so make sure to follow me on Pinterest so you don't miss out! I am LOVING this idea and I'm excited to stay a bit more organized!



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Fab Finds: Fav Five

Fab Finds: Fav Five

Fab Finds: Home Office Inspiration

Fab Finds: Home Office Inspiration

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